Next to Dragon Ball Z, Naruto has made it to the top. One of the most popular anime in the world. One Piece and Dragon Ball are right up there but there is something special about Naruto’s popularity. People might watch One Piece for the sake of watching. However, when it comes to Naruto, the fans have a relationship with the characters. The characters not only grow on you but you related so much to them like no other anime.
Characters like Rock Lee and his struggles is what made Naruto so popular. Everyone loves to see an underdog win but what people love the most is to watch the underdog rise from start to finish.
Once you finish watching Naruto or reading the manga, you wonder, “is there anything out there like it?” The answer is….almost.
Naruto is not just a show about Ninjas. Something about Naruto reaches your very core that makes you want to watch it again and again. There are entire Youtube channels dedicated to Naruto alone and are really popular.
So search my memory and the internet at large, I have found some anime that come close to Naruto. Perhaps they don’t reach your heart like Naruto does but they are still awesome.
Yu Yu Hakusho
There is no denying Yusuke Urameshi and the gang. They are not Ninjas but it is action packed. One of the classic. Full of fights and supernatural stuff. Every shonen anime has a main character that has a special move. For Yusuke is the spirit gun. For Naruto is the shadow clone Jutsu and eventually the Rasengan. That is one of the main things that makes Yu Yu Hakusho like Naruto.
Yusuke and Naruto are alike in the sense that they are both loud mouths. They are both hot heated. They train like crazy and fight to the death.
Dragon Ball / Dragon Ball Z
You saw this coming. From little Goku to the golden hair saiyan. Dragon Ball and Naruto are all about martial arts and beaten the crap out of your opponent.
Although I would say that Little Goku is a lot more like Naruto.
I dont want to say that Naruto ripped of Dragon Ball but the transformation of the Nine Tails mode for Naruto is golden just like a super saiyan. Its one of those things that you notice in anime. When a good anime has something really good and popular, other anime tend to copy it.
While Dragon Ball was first based on the story of Monkey King, Journey To The West, Naruto was based on Japanese Mythology.
My Hero Academia
Its a Shonen trope of the main boy character that wants to grow stronger and save the day. Like Naruto, Deku was born very unfortunate. Naruto was raised without parents. Deku was born without any special powers, therefore making him the odd one out.
Deku and Naruto both go to a school. Dare I say, My Hero Academia was inspired by American super hero comic books and movies.
Like any lost boy, Deku finds himself a mentor that eventually shows him how to become stronger like how Naruto met Jiraiya. This is why My Hero Academia became so popular.
One Piece
What do Luffy and Naruto have in common. They both love to eat. They are both loud. They are both edgy and love to fight. Its the ultimate shonen formula. What else do Luffy and Naruto have in common. They are both super popular except One Piece has no end while Naruto has already moved on to the next generation.
One of the big five. Bleach seemed to have always competed with Naruto. A great divide between fandoms. Although is a bit difficult to compare both anime, the tropes are too noticeable. Both Naruto and Ichigo have colored hair. A blonde and a red head. In Japanese culture, the color of the hair always means something. In the case of Naruto and Ichigo, it meant that they are both special or are very important characters.
Bleach is action packed and the story it self is compelling enough. Naruto finds might find it hard to get used to Bleach, however, once you start watching Bleach, it will grow on you and end up liking it.
Hunter X Hunter
Being a Hunter in this anime is the equivalent to being a Ninja in the Naruto world. I didn’t realize how good this anime was until I understand what being a Hunter was about. In case you did not know, a hunter is not a regular hunter that kills animals. A hunter has a special license that allows him access to so many things in the world like exclusive information, access to locations that no one else can go to, public transportation and public service are available to Hunters.
This is what makes Hunter X Hunter similar to Naruto. This special professional that is considered to be above every other profession (not that other professions are not important).
God of High School
I am not sure why this anime is called God of High School because it does not take place in High School. Although it was based of a WebToon Manhwa, God of High School is an awesome Shonen anime. It takes place in Korea (while many anime take place in Tokyo). The martial arts in this anime is absolutely amazing.
If you like to watch anime just for the fighting (like many people do with Dragon Ball) then this is the anime for you. It is similar to Naruto in the sense that its so detailed with its martial arts. You will see all kinds of martial arts styles in God of High School, mainly Tae Kwon Do.
Many anime fans just love to repeat fight scenes in Naruto. Trust me, you will find yourself doing that in this anime.
Soul Eater
Soul Eater is one of those anime that you think is for minors. However, once you start watching, you are hook. I avoided Soul Eater for years and years and when I finally started watching it, I binged it on Netflix.
Soul Eater is like Naruto mixed with Nightmare Before Christmas. It has that creepiness’ of Nightmare Before Christmas with Jack Skelington yet it is full of action and magic. It is an interesting mixture. However, it grows on you. The sense of humor of the anime could be compare to Naruto. Yes, of course, there is some fan service however, for the most part, Soul Eater is family friendly.
Samurai Champloo
Watching Samurai Champloo is like watching Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura at work. Mugen, Jin and Fu resemble team 7 so much I swear the creator must have gotten some inspiration from Naruto.
Now Samurai Champloo is a high flying Samurai anime. It can be mellow at time and the story can be slow but every episode there is something to think about and something to learn. Samurai Champloo is that anime where you try to find the meaning but it is so simply you almost miss what it is actually about.
The fight scenes in Samurai Champloo are absolutely stunning. So much detail put into every move just like Naruto. This anime really is for martial arts fanatics and those that dont mind some slice of life in between stories.
Ruroni Kenshin
Although Kenshin is nothing like Naruto, it is easy to say that Kenshin resembles Sasuke so much. Sasuke is so focus and determined. Sasuke does not fool around and hides his level of skill. Fans of Sasuke Uchiha will definitely love Kenshin.
Everyone loves a good samurai story. More importantly, everyone loves seeing a samurai slicing people up. Another classic that you just cannot miss. The live action was also amazing (in a world where live action anime adaptations suck, Ruroni Kenshin comes to save the day).
Did you like this list? Do you know of any other anime similar to Naruto. Comment below and let us know.