First it was the Little Mermaid Live Action Movies, then Tinker Bell. They all got the diversity brown treatment. Now its Snow White. By the way, I am saying this as a brown Latino myself. Although I have Spaniard blood, I am not exactly white vanilla.
Why are all these characters that are suppose to be Caucasian are race swap with afro or brown skin characters. Some of you reading this might get angry and think of this blog as bigotry. However, you need to understand that there are many of us (who are considered minorities) Africans, Latinos and even Asians that don’t like this race swap in movies and TV shows.
Rachel Zegler as Snow White is a horrible choice. Not only does she not look like Snow White but choosing her also goes against the idea and story of Snow White.
Skin as White as snow. Lips as Red as blood. Hair as black as Ebony
Snow White
The idea behind the story of Snow White was that her skin was White as Snow, not brown as caramel. As a Latino, I don’t like it because it shows how lazy Disney is in creating original Latino characters.
Snow White being white as snow is part of the characters identity and story. It seems that Disney and all these other film producers do this on purpose to piss people off. They know its going to create a lot of buzz, they know the majority of people won’t like it and they know they are going to lose money so why bother.
The Problem With Rachel Zegler As Snow White
No disrespect to Rachel Zegler. I am sure she is a good actor and good singer but we can all agree that we would like someone that looks like Snow White. The actor cannot be blamed because if you were being paid millions of dollars to play a popular role, of course you would not say no. Go get your money Rachel Zegler. It is the directors and producers that should be blamed for their choices.
Much like how The Little Mermaid is being played by an African American actor instead of a Caucasian red head woman, Snow White is not allow to be white because of the racial agenda of our modern day. However, for example: if there was a remake of the Black Panther movie and the lead actor was a white guy, people would be outraged. Hollywood and film companies now have this problem with white actors and having too many white actors in a movie.
They think race swapping makes up for the lack of representation when what people really want is new original characters to represent them.
New Latino characters in movies and TV shows. New African characters in movies and TV shows. New Asian characters.
You get the point.
Why Is Disney Race Swapping
Is not just Disney but many movie companies are doing this on purpose and it is all to feed the WOKE agenda. The believe that minorities need to be represented which is a good thing but they are too lazy to think of new ideas.
PIXAR made the movie COCO which was based on Mexican culture. You are telling me that Disney can’t think of a good fantasy or Scifi movie for Latino or Africans. The Black Panther was an original all black cast movie. Are you telling me that Disney can’t make a Latino superhero or Asian superhero.
They think that pandering to the loud minority on Twitter and the political left makes them look good. As if they are doing something good for minorities. They know nothing about what minorities want. Instead they are just telling minorities what they should do and what they should like.
What Disney Should Have Done
What would have been a better approach to having diversity but still stay true to the character of Snow White. Simple.
Find an Asian woman or Latino woman that looks similar to Snow White. An Asian woman would have been a great choice. Many Asian woman, especially from Japan or Korea, have pale milky white skin and could look like Snow White no problem.
The funny thing is that much like white actors, Asian actors don’t get much respect either. As a matter of fact, many Asians get the same treatment as white actors. They are seen as not that important. Replaceable. Some say that Asians have a lack of character or that they are not funny. All sorts of things.
It made sense that they chose a Latina actress because in America Latinos are seen as minorities that are oppressed. That is how many actors are chosen for representation now. If you are part of what is considered an oppressed group like African Americans, Muslims, Latinos and so on then a white character is likely to be race swapped by one of these minorities.
Western countries are so afraid and sensitive to the racism. They fear being seen as racist that they do something extremes to show how anti racist they are.
Is not about choosing people who are talented and good for the part, its about the agenda that they are trying to push.