OnlyFans was created in 2016 in London, England, by the Stokely brothers. The app was created for the adult industry. From the very beginning the app was for pornographic purposes. So that Instagram models will have a way to monetize their Instagram.
If this app was for everyone then its competitor would be Patreon or SubscribeStar. Think about it. There are already ways to have fans fund your content. Youtubers use Patreon and some use SubscribeStar. Many people even use Paypal to have their fans donate to them. So then why did all of a sudden did people star using OnlyFans.
OnlyFans attracted many people who are interested in selling adult entertainment. Nude pictures and adult videos made at home or however. You might think that paying for OnlyFans has no long term consequences but by the end of this article you will find out how you are paying for your own demise, especially if you are male.
Girls as young as 21 are making millions of dollars yearly and hundreds of thousands monthly. While the average business takes five to ten years or more to make a million dollars or even a six figure income, these girls make money at the speed of light. Girls like Belle Delphine, Bella Thorne, Mia Khalifa and many others are getting rich without much effort. These girls are making it rain with money in just a few months while the average entrepreneur stresses for years.
When you give money to these girls you are making them richer and when other girls see how easy it is to make money without the need to get a job, girls become spoiled and raised their standards to unrealistic levels. It also encourages other girls to get into adult entertainment which many women regret in the long term.
So that being said, lets find out why OnlyFans is bad for society.
Why Do Girls Get Into OnlyFans?
Why do so many women get into adult entertainment like Strip Clubs, Porn, web cam girls and so on. Do you really think that women want to sell their bodies for money for desperate men. Do you really think women want to show their beautiful naked bodies to just anyone.
Many people will disagree but the truth is that 80% of women would not do that. Sure they want money but to sell their bodies to undesirable men is a shameful.
Girls start an OnlyFans for the money and nothing else. They are in it because they got bills to pay just like anyone else.
Now that being said, it is easier than working at a strip club where she has to dance and take her clothes off. It is easier than doing pornography or being a webcam girl. However, many girls have reported that they are being stalked throughout social media. Also their fans fall in love with them and hope that they can meet up with her for something more intimate.
Men forget that girls are in it for the money and you are just another dollar bill to her. Girls don’t get into OnlyFans thinking “oh my god I just cant wait to please all those men.” They are just thinking of getting paid, they are thinking of those big bucks and the all the nice things she will be able to buy.
As a man, if you found out that there was an easy way for you to make money just because you were male, wouldn’t you do it? Of course you would and that is the case with these girls.
Also, many women in the adult entertainment industry, have one of the following problems (this does not apply to 100% of them).
- Daddy issues- father left or was not in the home.
- Abandonment
- Mental health problems
- They had experience sexual abuse when they were young (Read Asa Akira and what motivated her to get into the adult industry).
- They came from a poor family and are desperate for money (aren’t we all)
- Depression
- Unable to maintain a regular job
The list goes on. The point is, these girls are already damage and they don’t see the long term damage that OnlyFans does to their life such as, career, friends, family and so on.
Why Do Men Pay For OnlyFans?
Why pay for only fans? Seriously. There are millions of naked pictures and videos on the internet for free. Who pays for pornography. This is not the early 2000s or the 1990s or 1980s. It is accessible to people of all ages so why do boys and adult men pay for only fans subscriptions.
The answer is…intimacy.
OnlyFans start blowing up during the 2020 pandemic. During that time many models and adult stars started using the app because people could not go outside and meet up anywhere. Millions of businesses were closed and even movie studios could not get together to finish a movie. In the beginning celebrities were using it and then the rest of world got into it.
Men say that OnlyFans let them have conversations with their favorite adult star. Something that they did not have access to before. Men watch porn but what they desire most is to have sex with the women in porn. With OnlyFans, the hot girl can send you messages and you can ask her to do specific things and she will do it for you.
That is why OnlyFans was so effective during the pandemic after people spend a year in total lockdown (some countries even more). The lack of socialization with other people made many people feel lonely.
I can understand why men use OnlyFans however, the problem is that the women providing the service DO NOT CARE about the men. As said before, they are in it for the money. Also most of the men that are on only fans either lack experience with women, never had a girlfriend or have experience loneliness so much that they feel great satisfaction when one girl on the internet pretends to like them.
At least with a striper at a night club, you get to feel the woman and there is a relieve when you touch a woman’s body. However, virtual girlfriends and OnlyFan girls, you get absolutely nothing in return so you might as well light your money on fire.
What Happens To Girls That Use OnlyFans
Girls are one step away from prostitution when they start an OnlyFans Account. Seriously.
Just like with doing drugs. First you start with small addictions like smoking. Then weed, then you sniff crack and before you know it, you start doing cocaine and finally meth.
Same happens with girls on OnlyFans. They are already taking their close in front of the camera so the way they see it is, “well, it wont hurt to have sex with someone on video.” They are already showing their bodies to their fans so if a fan gives them enough money and ask for sex, the girls turn into escorts.
Once Alice goes into the rabbit hole, there is a whole new world that she wants to explore. It just gets darker and darker.
What Happens To Men That Use OnlyFans
Men are living a fantasy and not willing to do the work to get girls. Many men who pay for OnlyFans, they end up falling in love with the girl (somehow they don’t understand that there are hundreds or thousands of men who fall for her too). When these men don’t get the intimacy they want from the girl, they become resentful and start stalking her in social media. Many girls on OnlyFans have reported having this experience.
These are the same types of men and boys that abuse women.
Also when you pay girls to do things for you, what starts to happen is that you begin to hate women. You hate women because you hate the fact that you have to pay them for them to show affection when what you really want is for her to like you by her own will.
Why Men Should Stop Paying For OnlyFans Subscriptions?
You are paying to be an Incel. Think about it. You are making her richer along with the other thousands of other guys giving her money. You are giving her an easy life. She also does not desire you or respect you if you pay for her affection. That is a fact.
You are also throwing money away that you could be spending on something more useful like fitness, an education, starting a business, traveling to that country you always wanted to see. There are other ways to spend your money that are more constructive even if you are seeking pleasure.
If you are seeking pleasure then travel to the Caribbean and see some beautiful beaches and landscape. Go get a massage. Save your money to finally go to Disney World or Universal Studios. Use that money to go to a big event like E3, an anime convention, Burning Man or whatever.
I was addicted to pornography too so I know how you feel. However, we need to fight porn addiction and do something else with our lives. Something more constructive and something that women will love you for.