Netflix’ Beastars has taken the anime world by Storm. It is a surprisingly amazing anime to watch and no it is not for furries and it is definitely not for kids despite of the fact that it takes place in high school. Beastars is filled with human psychology and the philosophy of people’s hierarchy in society. Beastars is filled with racism, prejudice and the shadow self. That is right, the shadow self.
One of the most breath taking things we see in Beastars is the relationship between Haru and Legosi. The wolf and the rabbit. Two characters that are well aware of their nature yet somehow love triumphs. Somehow, they are able to overcome their animal instincts and build a deeper relationship beyond what society expects of them.
Beastars is grounded in reality. Beastars is a reflection of the real world and human behavior. Our habits, traumas and insecurities are all at play in this amazing anime. One cannot help but to anticipate what the characters are going to do in this anime. One cannot help but to be at the tip of one’s seat when watching this anime.
From the very first episode we see Legosi being taken over by his wolf instinct and leap into the darkness to catch his prey, which was Haru. He almost devour her right in that moment but something drew him back. Legosi is constantly fighting his own nature while other characters embrace their own nature.
There is also the sense of superiority and inferiority in this anime. A good example of this would be Bills and Louis during the stage play that they were planning for so long. Louis knows that he is fragile as a herbivore and when he hurts his leg, he is unable to continue the play. Bills the tiger takes advantage of this and decides to take the main role in the stage play to put carnivores at the center of the school.
Herbivores and carnivores deal with their own insecurities and we see them deal with these insecurities throughout the episodes.
Now back to Legosi and Haru. Their relationship symbolizes something that humans have struggled with for so long. Love and lust. Haru represents love and Legosi being a wolf represents lust….actually no, that is wrong. Lets find out why.
Haru and Legosi are the perfect opposites
Haru is a herbivore. Legosi is a carnivore.
Haru is a dwarf rabbit. Legosi is a grey wolf.
Haru has had many sexual partners. Legosi is a virgin and never had a girlfriend.
Haru is outspoken despite her meekness. Legosi is a silent introvert despite being a fierce grey wolf.
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These two opposites attract. You have seen it in the real world. The bad boy wearing a leather jacket takes the nice sweet virgin on his motorcycle. The scholar nerdy guy who falls in love with a whore. The girl from a rich family who fell in love with a poor guy who rocks her world.
You have seen it all around you. Beastars is a statement to real life. Haru and Legosi are the perfect opposites and that is something that drives them closer and closer together. In the very first episode Haru tries to have sex with Legosi because she thinks that is what he wanted the entire time. However, it turns out that Legosi was just being unsure of what he wanted from her. He was trying to be nice and not eat the rabbit. He was trying to resist the urge to devour her.
The reason why Haru sleeps with many boys is because is a wait for her to feel strong and validated. Her whole life people treated her like she was a weak little rabbit that could not do much herself and so one day she found power and equality in pleasing men. If you think about how this relates to the real world. This is what girls do in their teen years and in college. They find power and freedom in sleeping around with many men because their parents and society tells them that they have to get married and to not be a slut. Of course this always backfires but this is one of the many motivations of why we have slutty girls in high school and college.
Haru knows that one day she might be devour by a carnivore because she is a small rabbit and so she sleeps around so that she can get a taste of what love is like. It is her way of feeling loved rather than pitied and looked down upon as someone who is inferior and weak. This is serious psychology we are seen in this show.
Legosi is a virgin who never had a girlfriend, constantly resisting his own instincts to devour smaller animal. What draws him to Haru is not only the fact that she is a small prey but also that other half. The masculine and feminine unity. The Ying to his Yang. Also they have so much in common.
Here is a little tip on how to keep girls attracted to you.
Always keep her guessing. Don’t reveal all your secrets. One of the things that draws Haru to Legosi is that she is not sure of what he wants from her and so she tries to figure him out. Girls enjoy getting into a man’s mind. They want to know what he is thinking and how he sees her. At the train station when Haru and Legosi were talking, Haru said , “I never know what you want from me, its always unclear.” Then Legosi grabs her when she tries to walk away. When people try to defend her and the police comes to remove Legosi from Haru, guess what, Haru runs away with Legosi.
Girls love a good chase. Girls love uncertainty while feeling certain. Its confusing but it is true. This is the nature of women. Haru is a great example of that.
Legosi is not very aware of things but he plays the unsure nice guy who does not know what to do with a girl once he gets her.
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Why Legosi and Haru end up together
After Legosi saved Haru that really brought them together despite of the fact that Haru wanted Louis. After everything that they had both gone through, their adventure had brought them closer.
The reason why Legosi and Haru end up together, even after Juno threw herself at Legosi is because of the strong Ying Yang at play with Legosi and Haru.
Haru is small, feminine and easy to grab. Legosi is a masculine despite of his depression and he is tall and you know how much girls love tall guys. Despite their animal instinct their attraction for each other is intense. Even when Haru opened herself sexually for Legosi he was still reluctant because of his fear of devouring her at the hotel.
The reason why Legosi and Haru end up together is because they do something that not many want to do in a relationship and that is to care about each other despite of their surroundings. High School is a confusing time. People criticize you and at a high school age, teens tend to listen to their friends because they want to fit in. Even when he became more popular in Season One, Legosi did not care if Juno was a female grey wolf that he could get with to look great for school, he went after what he really wanted. Haru was willing to let Legosi go so that he can be happy no matter how much she cared about him.
They both continued to care for each other despite their surroundings and what happened in their daily lives.
Don’t miss season 2 of Beastars .