They are beautiful. They are sexy. You love to look at them. They take your money while making you think that you still have a chance for a cyber relationship. Some have nick named them E-girls but they are mainly referred to as female online streamers. Some think that they are legit gamers and some believe that Twitch girls pretend to be gamers to get attention and money.
Hot girls have invaded Twitch and hey why not. It is easy to invade if you are pretty, have an hour glass figure and some nice boobs to tease the boys. Twitch has become a web cam girl website with a gaming theme. What started as the “Youtube,” for gamers is now cam girl website. Many people wondered how it happened but hey, its the internet what did you expect. About sixty percent of search on the internet are porn related search, if not more.
Twitch has given these girls many benefits and why wouldn’t they when the company is making so much money from them. More importantly, why are so many boys giving their money to these Twitch girls who are not really gamers. Lets find out.
Why Girls Come To Twitch?
For the money.
Do you really think they are gamer girls? That is not to say that some of these girls genuinely love video games. However, when you look at the demographics of Twitch it makes sense why more and more girls come to this website. After all, you just have to claim to be a gamer to join and Twitch is not sexist and does not discriminate.
Eighty percent of the millions of users on Twitch are male. Only twenty two percent are female. It is a fat that the video game industry is dominate by boys because boys are competitive. So when you have a website that is dominated by males and you can still join for free if you are a female, why wouldnt you.
When a girl dives into a place that is filled with boys what do you think will happen? All heads will turn and she will get all the attention especially if she is pretty. So when a girl starts streaming her gameplay of Call of Duty with a huge cleavage boys get what they want, video games and hot girls. So they throw their money at these girls.
Twitch girls can make thousands of dollars in one day. With 10,000 views a Twitch girl can make $1,000. If she is pretty and giggles her boobs a little, the boys will throw more money at her. So in reality a beautiful Twitch girl can make $1,000 per hour. As a matter of fact, even if she is new to the website, within a month, she can make hundreds of dollars fast. Its a better gig than Youtube, honestly.
So if they can make easy money like this why would they sign up. Its a market of eighty percent males, most of which are desperate for some action, even if it is just on the computer screen.
The Kind of Girls That Come To Twitch
So by now you already know it is mostly girls that are beautiful that come to Twitch. Of course. Nice boobs, pretty face, long hair. Obese girls would not get the same attention. And you know what, having girls in a platform dominated by boys is not a problem. What is a problem is this. Look at the picture below.
The image you see above is of a Twitch streamer that painted her body. She is actually naked but because her boobs are painted and you cant see the nipple, Twitch gives her a free pass. Many of these girls are not here because they are gamers and love to play video games, these girls are here because they want attention and easy money from desperate boys.
Take a look at this one. She is covering her boobs with paint. Twitch does not flag her or give her a penalty for nudity. Nope, she gets a free pass. This is what these girls are here for. Twitch is a cash cow for these girls. They know that boys cannot resist and they don’t get penalized for doing all these silly things. So why would they leave.
Cam Girls On Twitch
The picture you see above is of Geisha Monroe.
She is a cam girl but decided to go on Twitch because that is where the money is at and she does not have to take off as much clothes off. This is the problem. These cam girls are not on Twitch to play video games but to use their sexuality and profit from it. Its basically an online strip club.
What Else Do Girls Do On Twitch
Girls on Twitch get paid to be pretty. I know, what an easy life. Don’t you wish you could get a gender swap surgery so that you too can become a Twitch girl.
Here is a list of things that girls do on Twitch.
ASMR (I am not sure why they do this on Twitch. ASMR is usually to help someone fall asleep).Dance to random music (There are lots of dance videos on Twitch. Goes to show you most of these girls have no talent).Yoga (WTF, who wants to look at yoga poses while playing video games…oh…right).Talking about random things (and be nice so that their viewers will give them money).Showing lots of cleavage (and once in a while having an oopsie).Wearing booty shorts on camera and bending over to make sure the boys can see it.
Painting their boobs (As you saw above).