Is Vegeta Stronger Than Goku-Here Is The Answer

The Dragon Ball million dollar question. Is Vegeta Stronger than Goku? Lets find out.

Vegeta fans have been waiting for the day that the prince of all saiyans would defeat the main villain. That day never came, mainly because Akira Toriyama does not like Vegeta. That is right my friends, the creator of Dragon Ball himself does not like Vegeta. Goku is always one step ahead of Vegeta.

Goku became a super saiyan before Vegeta did. Goku defeat Frieza, the one who made the Saiyans and endanger species. Goku reached super saiyan 3 before Vegeta did. Goku became a super saiyan god before Vegeta did.

Goku is always one step ahead of Vegeta. However, Vegeta is a much better fighter than Goku. Let me explain. Although Vegeta is a better fighter than Goku, he is always one step behind Kakarot. There is a reason why and it was something that we learned recently in Dragon Ball Super tournament of power.

Why Goku Levels Up Faster Than Vegeta

It is called S-cells. These are cells that only saiyans have and the more kind hearted a saiyan, the more s-cells he has and the easier it is to level up and become stronger. Also, the more S-cells a saiyan has, the higher the senkai boost. Increasing the amount of s-cells in a saiyan really depends on how kind and gentle the saiyan is. Which explains why Goku became stronger than Vegeta so much faster.

We all know the story of Vegeta. When he first came to planet earth to find the Dragons Balls, he kicked Goku’s ass. It took, Krillin, Gohan, Gohan’s ape form and a slash from Yajirobe to beat Vegeta back then. If Vegeta had been a good saiyan from the start he would probably been able take on Frieza’s normal form from the beginning.

So to transform into a super saiyan, it requires emotional distress. When Frieza killed Krillin, Goku couldn’t take it anymore and his rage gave him power. However, with more s-cells in a saiyan’s body, all the saiyan needs is to power up by focusing on the tingling sensation on their backs. As silly as that sounds that is what we learned from Dragon Ball super.

This is why Goku levels up faster than Vegeta. Goku has always been an innocent idiot from the very beginning. It wasn’t until after the Majin Buu saga that Vegeta became good and that is a fact.

Also, Goku always trained. Goku was always training, putting his body in more and more stress with more weights. From the time he trained on King Kai’s planet to the Hyperbolic time chamber. When he was on a ship to planet Namek, Goku was trying under high pressures of gravity. That increased his power level by 300 times.

For some reason saiyan did not train and heck even Frieza did not train either. It never occurred to them that if they trained their power level would increase and as a matter of fact Frieza never trained either. He always had an incredible amount of power.

So to sum it up, Goku was always kind hearted and thus had more s-cells and also he spend his entire life training.

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What Vegeta Does Better Than Goku

Vegeta is smarter than Goku and that makes him a better fighter. As a matter of fact, when Goku and Vegeta fought during the tournament of the Majin Buu saga, Vegeta was kicking Goku’s ass and even knocked him out. Goku could have beaten Vegeta if he had pulled the super saiyan 3 form but then that would have just drained more of his energy faster.

The super saiyan form is very draining.

Vegeta has proven to be a better fighter and has better combat tactics than Goku when they were on planet Namek. Vegeta took on the Ginyu force before Goku arrived to planet Namek. He killed Guldo, beat up Recoome then later on he killed Jeice.

Despite of being a great saiyan warrior, Vegeta was always a step behind Goku. It wasn’t until a year later after Namek that Vegeta became a super saiyan. Things really started to change after the Majin Buu saga. Once he started training with Whis to become a super saiyan blue, his started to have more morals (and was a better husband to Bulma). That is when he really started catching up to Goku. Since he became good and was no longer acting solely on his own interest, he gained more s-cells.

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Another thing that Vegeta has over Goku is that he is not naive with his opponents like Goku. The problem with Goku is that he is not good at sensing evil (at least in the Z series) Goku was too forgiving of villains. Vegeta knows when someone is pure evil and only wants to destroy because that is how he used to be.

As Dragon Ball Super continues, we will see Vegeta get to the level of Goku or higher. Vegeta has somewhat surpassed Goku during the battle with Moro. Always remember that Goku is that main character, he is the star of the show, therefore he always has to be the strongest one.