Ever since the 2010s, Hollywood has had a streak of horrible movies being made now more than ever. Even with a blueprint in their hands somehow they manage to take a franchise with millions of fans and make a movie that people can’t help to cringe at.
Back in the 1990s and 80s, directors had to make really good movies because there was so much on the line. To get people’s attention movie makers had to try hard to get those ticket sales. Now it seems that movie makers focus less on story and more on how the movie looks (the graphics) than the actual story.
This is one of the reasons why there is a rise in indie films. Creators can make the kind of films that they want to make without restriction and worrying about having to change the story or character names for Hollywood’s agenda.
Thank god for Netflix because they are allowing new ideas and new projects to be added to their library. While Netflix does have some bad shows and movies, they also have an incredible library of great content. Series like Black Mirror on Netflix, gives creators opportunities to create short films and movies that they want to create.
There has to be a balance between what the creator wants to make and what the audience wants. The first Star Wars trilogy is a great example. George Lucas created a space opera that would either flop or become a super successful. Star Wars came out of nowhere. It was an original idea that came out of thin air. It turned out to be amazing.
If you look at Disney’s Star Wars, they were just leveraging off the old Star Wars with the new one. They didn’t really come up with anything new. They changed the story to appeal to a world market along with political agendas and it failed. Horrible reviews.
So here are 5 reasons why Hollywood keeps making bad movies
If you wonder why is Hollywood writing so bad is because now a days they focus more on the looks than the story. As a matter of fact many times they are willing to sacrifice the story and put more time into how the film looks mainly because now we have amazing computer graphics technology.
Before amazing computer graphics and all these special effects, movie directors had to go above and beyond to make a great movie. Look at the new Dark Crystal series on Netflix called The Age of Resistance. It looks great right. Not only was it made with old school puppets but it also had a lot of CG. Now take a look at the old Dark Crystal movie from 1982. There was no CG. It was all puppets, costumes, raw material used to build the entire set. Back in 1982 they did not have the luxury of CG. Everything was hand made.
That being said the Netflix Dark Crystal was actually awesome.
It seems as though when the script is written, it is written with the CG in mind. They have to focus on how the movie is going to look when writing the script. Look at Star Wars the Last Jedi movie and the Rise of Skywalker. The story sucked so bad, it got the lowest rating of all Star Wars movies.
That being said, there are directors like James Cameron who don’t lose themselves in the graphics so much that they forget to write a good story.
Feminism is being forced in movies now a days. The same goes for forced diversity. Now don’t get me wrong. Feminism and diversity have their place and separate movies can be done with these things in mind to please a certain audience. However, these political agendas have been forced fed and people can see it.
People are not that stupid. Especially in the geek community. They know when the white male character is being picked on and hated on for no reason. They know that when the female character tries to outperform the male character, the producers are just pushing their feminist agenda.
Feminism is ruining movies because the movies are not focused on the story with a female character. The movies are focusing the female character being strong because she is a female. Female leads are powerful because well…they just are while the male characters have to break their backs and train just as hard.
The first heading of this article was “graphics over story,” well in this case it is “politics over story” to program the minds of the masses.
Lets face it. Movie producers are competing against other forms of entertainment. Before the internet people would settle for a few things. People that love music would focus on music and seek out more music. People that were movie lovers would focus on more movies. People that were into sports focused on sports.
Before the internet, life was much simpler and although there were many options of entertainment, it was not as abundant as it is now.
Now we have music and movies and video games at the push of a button. So when someone does not want listen to music they will watch a movie. When someone is sick of watching movies, they will play video games.
Back then people would watch movies because well, there was not much to do. Sure there were movie fanatics but people would go to the theaters and watch whatever was available. Before video streaming service and Youtube, people would watch whatever was on TV to kill the time (remember when people used to flip through channels).
Why do you think that film companies focus more on character branding than creating a good movie. Because now it is the characters that make money. Spider Man is a billion dollar franchise. Harry Potter is a billion dollar franchise. Marvel characters are employees to Marvel. Do you get it?
Its about character branding more than it is about the movie itself because now movies are competing with video games. Video games like God of War can tell an amazing story and put the player in the main characters position. That is why the video game industry is a $200 billion dollar industry.
Video games tell stories now with photo realistic graphics. Do you understand? This is also the reason why there are so many reboots and remakes. Because Hollywood also has to compete with video games.
Movies are not only competing with video games but now movies are being made for a global market (*cough* China! *cough* *cough*). Movies are being made for a world wide audience. For the Chinese, for the Indians (in the east) for South America. You get the idea.
Why do you think that in many movie news outlets they always mentioned how the Chinese audience feels about a certain movie.
It looks like China was not impress by the Black Panther movie
Ever wondered? Now you know.
This is another reason why diversity is being pushed because now movies are being made for a global market. They have to squeeze in a Chinese actor, an Indian actor, a Latino actor. You get the point. Its all about pleasing the audience because unlike before, now people want to see more characters that look like them.
The script also has to be changed so that a global audience can understand it. You know, speaking a universal language and I dont mean english.
Why does Hollywood keep making bad movies. The better question is how can Hollywood ruined a franchise that was already successful. A good example would be the live action Ninja Turtles movie. The movie was ok but lets face it, the old Ninja Turtle live action from the 1990 was so much better. Although computer graphics are amazing, you never thought you would miss a guy dressed up as a ninja turtle in a movie.
Hollywood takes movies from the 1990s and 1980s and tries to make them cool for the modern audience. It seems like they forget what made the original movie so good.
Hollywood fears original movies because they are afraid that something that people have never seen before could fail. However, Netflix is a good tester for these projects. Look at all the Netflix originals like Stranger Things, which came out of nowhere by the way. A Netflix original.
Take a look at Netflix original movies like I Am Mother, which could have been a scifi blockbuster movie. Hollywood thinks, “if it doesn’t sell then its not worth investing in.” Yeah right, but take a look at the things that are selling on Netflix. Take a look at Bird Box. Take a look at Black Mirror.
New franchises are created from Original ideas.
Are you listening Hollywood?
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