
Why Avatar The Last Airbender Did Not Have A Fourth Season

We all knew that the story will be over once Aang defeats the fire lord. However, the fans still wanted more because heck, its Avatar The Last Airbender. The fans wanted a season four because after all, the show is about the four elements but there were only four seasons. Its funny because as a kid I did expect four seasons of the show. One for every element. However Mike and Bryan, the creators, had their mind set on three seasons because, well, there were no air nomads. A season four for Aang did not make sense for them because, Aang already knows airbending and what was he going to do, visit the air nomad temples. The story would lack meaning.

So now lets go and find out what happened to season 4 of Avatar The Last Airbender. The lost season.

Aaron Ehasz, who was the former head writer of Avatar the Last Airbender, said many things about season 4 of Avatar. Before he even planned out his series, The Dragon Prince, he wanted a season 4 for the Last Airbender.

Aaron Ehaz says that after season 3, he was talking to Michale Danteh DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko about season 4. Mike and Bryan were considering a season four however…guess what happened.

And then M. Knight Shyamalan came along

That live action Last Airbender movie was a disaster. So much can be said about that movie but we are not going to talk about that.

Because M. Knight Shyamalan came into the picture after season 3 ended, Mike and Bryan decided to go with making a movie. Hey, who can blame them. After all, movies are more profitable. The show was already popular and if it was brought to theaters then it would make millions of dollars. Also with more money they would be able to make more series for the show.

Repeat after me.

More money means more creativity

Unfortunately, the live action Last Airbender movie did not do so well. Mike and Bryan thought about making season 4 after that disaster but then they said, “forget it, no season 4.”

Aaron Ehasz wanted Azula to have a redemption arc in season 4. Everyone’s favorite bad girl was going to come back. In season four, Azula was suppose to redeem herself after going wild in the final episode of Avatar. She lost not to Zuko but to Katara, a waterbender. Someone whom she thought would never defeat her. The way Azula cried that day was satisfying considering how awful of a person she was.

Azula was going to redeem herself and seek out Zuko. Who else could she trust then her own brother. Season 4 would have been interesting because Azula was a hated character and to see her switch sides would be one hell of a view. What would Azula be like if she would have actually join Zuko and on the light side of the force…oops, I mean on the good side.

As the Avatar, it is never over for Aang. In season 4, Aaron Ehasz says that Aang was going to deal with the darkness that he took from the fire lord. According to Ehasz, he says, “you can’t just be the Avatar and take someone’s bending powers away. Such a powerful ability does not come with some cons. Take away the fire lord’s power also means that you take his evil into you.”

Never really saw it that way because after all, Aang used energy bending. However, it is easy to see what they were trying to do. Taking someone’s bending power away and with that skill comes the consequences of also taking with you their darkness as well.

So in season four, Aang was suppose to deal with negative emotions like anger, guilt and so on. He would then seek out Zuko who had dealt with a lot of anger and guilt in his life. Zuko would once again become Aang’s teacher.

Now, that is a bold claim but just keep reading.

In season 4, they were also suppose to adapt some of the comic book’s story in The Search. They would have expanded more and more on the Avatar world. If they would have gone with season 4 then Legend of Korra would not have happened. Most likely.

Think about it. There would be no need for Legend of Korra. At the end of the day, Korra was made for fan service. It was a way to keep feeding the fans. You know, give them something else from the Avatar world. People had a lot to say about Legend of Korra, however, it was a decent show.

Some people are going to get angry at this part of the article but hey, that is okay. With season 4 and everything that would have happened in the story, most likely, Mike and Bryan would have continue what has now become the comic book story of Avatar The Last Airbender.

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