It is amazing that the Nintendo Switch became the most loved console out of the three. Some would think that the Playstation is the most popular however, many people forget that it was the Nintendo that started it all. SONY Playstation first released in 1994 while the first ever Nintendo console was released in 1983. Nintendo was the first innovator and its intellectual properties like Super Mario and Pokemon are part of gaming history. Nintendo has the most popular characters in gaming history.
So for those wondering why the Nintendo Switch sold out everywhere, the short answer is because it is the well known gaming system. The Nintendo Switch sold more than the XBOX (who the heck plays XBOX anyways unless you are a Call of Duty head) and it sold more than the PS5. You would think that the PS5 would sell units but there is a reason why.
Both Nintendo and Playstation were made in Japan but the Nintendo won the race. In 2020 during the pandemic, people were trying to get their hands on the Nintendo Switch but couldn’t because so many places were sold out and yes even amazon.
Even though it does not have every game for the console (Like Final Fantasy 7 Remake) the Nintendo switch is arguably the best and most popular console ever made. Forget about the amazing graphics of PS5 or XBOX, the Nintendo is not about graphics, it is about having fun.
So here are the better reason why the Nintendo Switch sold out everywhere.
The Nintendo Switch is the family consoles. The Nintendo brand always has been the family console since the beginning. It always been a multi player system and its first few titles always were family friendly. Pokemon, Super Mario, Kirby and other Nintendo characters were always great games that parents bought for their kids. Parents always felt safe buying a Nintendo with games like Super Mario than buying a Playstation to play Resident Evil. That is one of the reason why parents (the ones who buy kids toys) prefer the console.
In a dystopian world where everyone is being censored, The president of Nintendo did confirm that he had no intention on censoring games on the platform. This attracted so many people to the platform after experiencing censorship from Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and yes even the big dog SONY is now censoring games on their platform. If you want more proof of Nintendo not censoring games then read this article at bounding into comics.
Gamers feel as though someone is listening to them. Nintendo not censoring games makes people feel like there is someone on their side. It is hard to find a company that does not want to censor you now a days. Censorship has become a huge part of our culture and mainly from the big corporations. So when the president of Nintendo says “I have no intention on censoring games,” gamers feel like they can trust the company.
The Nintendo was one of the first consoles to implement four player games like Mario Kart. The Nintendo 64 and the Game Cube were the most memorable four player game consoles. While the SEGA did not survive, the Nintendo kept going. Sure the XBOX had four player games but it was not like the Nintendo. As said before, the Nintendo is the family console while the Playstation is more for one player games and two players.
From Mario Kart to Mario Party and lets not forget Super Smash Bros. With the Nintendo (which ever version) you can have all your friends playing at your house.
The design of the Nintendo Switch is genius. Because it is a Japanese company, it was primary made for the Japanese market. The thought of ways to combine mobile gaming with console gaming and they found a way. The Nintendo Switch works like a hald held console (the gameboy) and it can be plugged to the TV to play on the big screen. All in one.
Why buy another handheld device when you have it all in one. Its not only a hand held device, you can also have multiple players (of four) playing on the device. So you can take it everywhere and play with up to four people. The technology just keeps improving. Take it to school, on the bus, the train, those boring airplane travels and when you are in a boring ass lecture in college, pull it out and play it under the table.
It seems that this has been a Nintendo marketing strategy since the beginning. Nintendo seems to be always short on a console. After a certain people of time, when the devices are sold out, the demand increases and Nintendo tends to increase the price.
This has happened with every single Nintendo device. From the gameboy to the Nintendo 64 and Game Cube till now. Its a marketing strategy to create demand for the device.
Much like how the Playstation has exclusive games (Final Fantasy 15), Nintendo exclusivity is permanent. You cannot play Zelda games in any other console except for Nintendo. Want to play the lastest Zelda game, guess what? you have to buy a Nintendo device. Pokemon has always been exclusive to Nintendo device. Same goes for Kirby and Star Fox. Dont even get me started on Mario.
Mario is the mascot for Nintendo. Playstation or XBOX will never get their hands on the game. Because Nintendo has the most popular characters in gaming history, they always have people coming back to them. Exclusivity is a great marketing strategy and a way to keep your followers.
You always have those opportunistic people who will buy the device at low prices (for $200) then resell the devices at a higher price ($400) that is what is happening with the Nintendo Switch. There are hustlers out there who take advantage of the Nintendo shortage to make big bucks. People are willing to spend hundreds of dollars on this device because it is so convenient.
You will see the Switch on websites like Ebay and other resell websites posted by people trying to make a quick buck out of the desperation of gamers.
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