Lets be clear on our definition of what a SJW really is.
SJW stands for Social Justice Warrior. According to urban dictionary, a SJW is
The definition was screenshot for copyright purposes as well as search engine.
As you can see SJW’s like to complain and get angry at things they believe are against their moral believes. They tend to be left wing and training to hate white people. The funny thing is that social justice warriors are not very social. They just hide behind their computer and talk smack about people.
SJW’s are always attacking anything in entertainment that is not left wing enough for them such as anime, the way female characters look like uzaki chan. Social Justice Warriors spend a lot of time on twitter (is like their go to place). For the past few years (Dare we say since 2017 or so) they have taken part of attacking and censoring anime.
America is full of these SJW’s as well as Canada, England and many of the English speaking countries (Korean SJW’s, don’t think we are counting you out). However, when it comes to Japan, there seems to be no such thing as SJW or perhaps they just look at things differently. In Japan, being politically correct means something different than how western people think of political correctness.
Japan is highly inspired by American pop culture, so why don’t they have SJW’s or at least there is little to no activity of SJW’s online coming from Japan.
Yes there are SJW’s in Japan but not the same way as in America and western countries.
The phrase Social Justice Warrior has lost its meaning. You would think that it is a word used to describe good people fighting for a good cause but if you look at the people that are fighting now, they are usually very psychotic and emotional.
In Japan, the SJW’s fight for the things they believe in like, equal rights and pay for women, rights for foreigners staying in Japan and things like fighting homelessness and so on. They tackle social issues in Japan but they never get into the entertainment stuff.
SJWs in the west complain, not just about political and social things but also about movies, TV shows and lately, anime and video games. They used anger instead of logic. They become very emotional when someone disagrees with their point of view instead of listening.
In Japan, SJW’s don’t complain about the entertainment such as movies, anime, manga, video games. They see that as entertainment and if you don’t like it then don’t consume it. Just because a manga artist created a story that you thought was offensive does not mean that the artist has to be cancel. All you have to do is not consume what the artist created. That is all.
So as you can see, SJW’s in Japan worried about real issue and deal with those issues more peacefully and calmly than how western people do. They don’t start riots or send angry messages telling a celebrity that they should die on Instagram. So in reality, Japan has old school, SJW’s were people fight about things that really matter and not get caught up with pop culture because at the end of the day, if its entertainment, all you have to do is ignore it. However, western SJW’s don’t see it that way.
SJWs can complain about anime all they want but they will never ruin it.
The reason why SJWs hate anime is for a very simple reason. Anime is not politically correct. Anime is created in Japan where artist have creative freedom. Artist create what they want and then people decide if they like it or not. That is how the free market is suppose to work.
However, with SJWs in America, if a certain character does not look or act according to their beliefs, they want to cancel that character or anime. Uzaki chan was a perfect example of that. People were saying that Uzaki chan’s breast size was too big for her age however, Uzaki was in college (a full grown woman).
An example of the hypocrisy of SJWs in the west would be Cobra Kai. They said that Cobra Kai was racist because the cast should be Japanese and not American. The original Karate Kid had an American cast and no one complained back then. They think is offensive because Karate is for Japanese people and so Americans should not do it. No Japanese people complained about Cobra Kai or the Karate Kid. It shows how much they know and actually care about a movie franchise.
Since anime does not follow the rules, SJWs get angry. They say that anime girls look too young to have big boobs. There aren’t strong female characters in anime. Total lie. The most common place online where these attacks happen are on twitter. Artist trying to “fix” other people’s anime art. However, karma is a real b*tch and anime and manga is winning anyways.
The funny thing is that, these SJWs complain about anime and manga but they don’t consume it. They also pretend to care about comic books and movies but they are not the main audience neither do they buy comic books.
Again, the west is emotional and the east is logical. Japan ignores the west and their political correctness.