Yugi-Oh Hologram duel Disk Is Coming To Real Life

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Its happening and I am sure you have already seen the videos on Youtube. Konami the company that created Yugi-Oh! are working real life holograms to bring Yugi-Oh duel monsters to reality.

This is a golden time we are living in. A time when corporations are creating the things that we wanted to have as kids. Our children and the next generation will live in a time where we will have duel monsters as holograms.

Can you image getting attacked by a Blue Eyes White Dragon and flying backwards into the wall. Well, guess what? we are getting closer to achieving that.

So not only is Ready Player One doomsday dystopian future is almost here with Virtual Reality but we are also getting holograms that will fulfill our nerdy dreams

I am about to have a nerdgasm right now with all this new technology so lets break it down

Yugi-Oh! Technology That Has Already Been Made

So there have already been many attempts at creating the Yugi-oh card game with holograms. Go on Youtube right now and you will see some nerdy people that have invented some decent hologram technology with the cards.

Most of the technology is augmented similar to Pokemon Go. Others have created holograms when playing cards but are unable to make the creatures move. We have come along way now with augmented reality. Such technology does exist and gamers can see their duel monsters come to reality with a pair of digital glasses.

Japan (of course) has already created this type of technology and been seen in Japanese television. The augmentation cast the 3D models of the duel monsters on a table once the cards have been placed on the table just like the anime. I am not sure if its with QR codes that the cards are read, however, the augmented reality technology can read the cards or scan them and then cast the right 3D model on the arena for the gamers to see.

There is also a Yugi-Oh! smartphone app with the augmented reality technology that will cast the duel monsters once it reads your cards. It is quite a wonderful piece of technology.

Although this technology has already been developed in Japan and we already know that we can play the card game with the joy of augmented reality, It has not been widely distributed or commercialized enough. Japan likes to keep certain things to itself. Not sure why.

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So the company Konami is currently working on something to bring the Yugi-oh monsters holograms to life. It is something that aimed for the future of gaming technology along with virtual reality. They have already created technology that works with image recognition and have been using it on 9000 cards. Some of you might say ITS OVER 9000!

They are using Artificial Intelligence that will read the image of lets say “The Dark Magician,” and then be able to cast that 3D model where ever. They are trying to overcome the current augmented reality that they have and create something much greater.

They want their technology with Yugi-oh to be compatible with computer games in the near future. The technology reads the paper cards and it is able to distinguish the image. So lets say if there are two versions of the Dark Magician, the Artificial Intelligence can read it the difference and cast the right 3D model for the players.

Apparently they have already tried using QR codes but it did not go well because of it would not work with the large library of cards so they decided to go with a software with the potential to deliver. The first piece of technology they created only had a recognition accuracy of 50%. That is low in this case.

So the recognition technology would also have to do with the condition of the card. So if your cards are all scratchy and ripped up then the software will have a hard time reading it and it wont show up as a hologram. So all you Yugi-oh fans out there make sure that you keep your cards nice and fresh.

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How Long Till We Actually Have This Technology?

Not too long.

We already have virtual reality, its only a matter of perfecting it. A couple of touches here and there and adding a little more to it.

All we need now is the Sword Art Online type of online game feature.  Despite of having virtual reality, artificial intelligence, it is not up to the level where we can play as an MMO game. Once we have that feature we will officially be living in the future.

Now as to how long till we get there completely, no more than 10 years. Probably 5 years. Technology advances every 3 years. I mean we already have a Playstation 5 coming out soon in either 2019 or 2020.

So do not worry my fellow geeks and nerds, you will be able to blast your friends away with digital monsters pretty soon.

Lets go baby.

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