Sometimes you don’t really know why you love a character but you do anyways. No matter how bad they are or what they do, you find that character appealing somehow. Maybe you relate to their struggle or their way of life. There is something definitely about Haru that people like and it has to do with how she accepts her weakness.
One of the great things about anime is the internal dialog that we hear from every character. Haru tells us exactly how it feels to be a dwarf rabbit. To feel like any day or any time, you can be devour as someone’s prey. The brave little rabbit has accept her weakness and has found a way to be accepted (which is not something everyone agrees on).
Why Haru Sleeps Around
Beastars Haru is considered a slut by her school mates and she knows that she is. When boys go see her at the gardening club, she is the only one there and she usually knows why the boys go up there. She has no problem giving her body to the boys at school because it makes her feel wanted and needed. She knows very well that people look at her as a prey as a small fragile herbivore. Believing that she is not going to live for very long, believing that soon, one day a hungry carnivore is going to devour her. That is why she decided to sleep around despite of the consequences.
Every girl has a reason why they sleep around. Believe it or not, some do it because they were rape once and wanted to relive that scene again (Like the porn star, Asa Akira). Some girls become sluts because that is just who their are and are fine with it. Some girls sleep around too much and then find themselves unable to commit to anyone.
Haru has no friends and on top of that she knows she does not have very long to live. So sleeping with many boys is her YOLO (You Only Live Once). It is an act that makes her small existence feel important. She finds purpose in fulfilling her duty as a woman to please the boys. Even though is just for a short moment, a one night stand and it means a lot to her no matter the consequences.
Haru Gets Bullied
Sleeping around comes with a price. Girls like to gossip but the boys do too. Guys do not hesitate to tell their friends about who they slept with. As the word gets around about Haru’s promiscuity, the girls in the school start to pick on her and nobody wants to sit next to her. Its hard to feel sorry for a slut for the simple fact that they enjoy what they are doing.
Girls are more dramatic than the boys. Guys have no problem passing a girl around because its just for pleasure. However, girls do not like to make friends with sluts because they know that the slut might try to sleep with their boyfriend. Haru did bring this upon herself.
Haru’s choice to sleep around made her situation much worse because now she had no friends at all. What does not make sense is that other herbivores are also at risk and they don’t need to sleep around to feel important. Then again perhaps it is her nature since she is a rabbit and you know what they say about rabbits. It is the Playboy symbol after all.
If Haru had simply focused on building relationships and making more friends, her like would have been better. She could have settle for one herbivore and have a stable boyfriend but when girls sleep with a lot of men, it is harder for them to settle down.
Why Haru Loves Legosi
In world where herbivores live in fear of carnivores, one unorthodox wolf decided to go the other way. Legosi is so introverted and socially awkward that he cant read social signals. He has also decided to go against his nature so that he can protect herbivore. This is the perfect match for the little rabbit.
Legosi proved to Haru that she does not have to be afraid. One of the main need of a girl is to feel safe and protected. Although girls do love the bad boy they also want a guy that makes them feel safe. Legosi was able to provide that to her. Haru even stopped seeing or thinking about other guys once she started dating Legosi (read the manga). So although she was a slut, once she found Legosi she changed.
What you have to understand is that many people use sex as a way to cope. We have all seen that one perhaps that hops from one relationship to the other. Really what they are looking for is someone who actually cares and understand them because most of their relationships are platonic. The one night stands are all lust but no love or tenderness.
We see how Haru reacts when Legosi is trying to express his feelings to her. She is so used to being detached from a lover that she rejects anything serious. Sleeping around is so much easier because she does not have to develop feelings for someone and does not have to get attached. However, once Legosi saved her life she changed her mind. As said before, sleeping around affects a girl’s ability to commit.