95% of the Comic-Book Audience Is Not On Twitter

The legendary Mark Millar (Dare Devil) informed us on Twitter that his insider on one of the big two comic book companies has revealed to him that less than 5% of the comic book audience is not on Twitter. This might be a shocker to some people especially the marketing department at Marvel and DC. So it does not make sense why all these companies pander to the Twitter mob.

Its horrible marketing and it is not helping their business. They are making comic books for a group of people that complain but don’t read comic books. If they were doing actual research then they would be looking at other areas where their audience could be. It is no wonder why manga and anime are winning while the North American comic book industry is falling flat on its face.

People thought that I was lying when I said Demon Slayer outsell the entire American comic book industry but just take a look at what is happening over the years.

In case you did not know, Mark Millar is a comic book writer. Why should we trust what he says? Well, he has friends, acquaintances and people that he knows that work in the comic book industry as well. On twitter he said that someone he knows in one of the two big comic book companies explained to him that their audience is not on Twitter (95% of the audience).

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