This new arc of Dragon Ball Super manga is really going back to the old story telling formula of Dragon Ball Z. In the original formula, there was the main villain and then that villain would have minions that would fight Goku and his friends. The Z fights would take out the pawns, then Vegeta would fight the boss and finally Goku appears out of nowhere and beats the main villain.
However, it looks like there might a twist to this fight. Vegeta might take out the villain before Goku does. From the Frieza saga to the Cell saga and the Buu saga, we never saw Vegeta take the win with a main villain. The only ones I can think of is Dr Gero but he was not a main villain. Then there was ressurection F. Everyone was sure that Vegeta would take out Frieza but then Frieza cheated and destroyed the planet before Vegeta could take the final blow.
Seeing how chapter 60 of Dragon Ball Super manga is turning out, Vegeta might have something better than ultra instinct or something equal.
Goku Losing Ultra Instinct Sign
It looks like Goku does not have full control of ultra instinct yet. He still has not been able to master it. The ultra instinct sign is probably just one part of ultra instinct and not the complete form. Ever since his fight with Jiren Goku is not sure how to activate it. The ultra instinct sign is probably about fifty percent or less of the ultra instinct that Goku used during the tournament of power.
How do we know he has not really mastered it yet? Because its taking a toll on his body. It was just like the super saiyan blue form mixed with Kaio Ken. After using it against Hit from Universe 6, Goku’s body could not power up for a while. When Goku masters a form or new technique, he is more relax when he uses it and does not have to burn so much energy.
Even Whis said that Goku would still struggle to fight Moro even if he had saved some stamina for the ultra form. The questions is, if Goku knew that his ultra instinct sign form would not be enough then why did he jump into battle so quickly? The easiest answer would be that he had to use it immediately otherwise Moro would destroy Earth. However, it was made clear that Goku was using his full potential against Moro and we had seen from the fight how much he was struggling.
Finally we saw Goku lose his ultra instinct sign form. That was not a good sign and made it clear that Goku was using too much energy with this form. It also goes to show you how powerful Moro is. After all, Moro eats planets for god sakes (pun intended)
Will Vegeta Defeat Moro?
Everyone is excited to see what new techniques and powers Vegeta learned in planet Yardrat. In case you guys have forgotten, planet Yardrat is where Goku learned the instant transmission after he defeated Frieza and survived the explosion of planet Namek.
We know that Vegeta has been training in planet yardrat to learn new abilities. The people of yardrat have psychic abilities. Therefore whatever Vegeta is going to learn has to be some psychic ability that will give him the upper hand. That would require Vegeta to win the fight instead of Goku in which Akira Toriyama would not allow. Toriyama always wanted Goku to be the winner.
Perhaps he Toriyama will give Vegeta a chance this time.
When Vegeta arrived in chapter 60 of Dragon Ball Super. He seemed very confident in what he had up his sleeve. He assumed that Ultra Instinct might have been useless in that fight. The thing about Vegeta is that he does not like to copy Goku. When Goku levels up ahead of him, Vegeta comes out of nowhere and reaches the same level as GOku. Vegeta always catches up. He even created a new version of Super Saiyan Blue during the fight with Jiren.
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 61 Predictions
The Grand Supreme Kai had sealed away Moro for millions of years. Perhaps whatever Vegeta will learn is capable of sealing Moro. However, that would be a waste because that means that Moro will be able to escape again and return. The Garlic Jr. was locked away and then came back (even if it wasn’t cannon). To prevent Moro from returning, Moro has to die.
In chapter 61 of Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta is going to show us what he learned from the Yardrat. It could be something that works against Moro’s abilities to absorb power. You also have to remember that Vegeta is a proud Saiyan. Is he really the type to use some type of magic to destroy his opponent. Then again, Vegeta has changed a lot over the years and he might just swallow his pride and do what is necessary to destroy Moro. Whatever this new power or ability to is it will be something made for combat rather than some magic trick. You also have to keep in mind that Dragon Ball series is no stranger to magic tricks. It has been used before.
Also Goku might not join the fight to assist Vegeta until chapter 62 or 63. After Goku sees what Vegeta learned from the Yardrat, Goku might try to imitate it.
Chapter 61 of Dragon Ball Super will be released in June 20. Get ready dudes.
This arc has been really fun. I hope it is added to the anime once it comes out.
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