Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse Movie Review

There is nothing like bringing the pages of a comic book to the big screen. The art style of the movie mix with 3D animation was breath taking. The creators wanted to keep a cartoon like vibe to the movie and it worked.

As I viewer there were few flaws I found in this movie. The fact that there were so many Spider-Men in this movie made up for it. I mean people love Spider-man so much, having just one Spidie is not enough. We want 6 of them. A detective Spiderman, a robotic Spiderman, a cartoon pig Spiderman, an alternate universe Peter B Parker with a beer belly and an Afro Latino Spiderman for a wider audience. I mean this movie really had it all.

Stan Lee knew how much we loved Spiderman and so he gave us the Spider-verse. So that we can have more than one.

This proves that comic books are never going to die out or the style could just translate on to the screen and digital arts. This style of story telling will go on for decades or heck even the next century. It was a smart way of telling the story of more than one Spider-man. Not sure how it would do if it were live action.

Miles Morales

Miles was an interesting Spiderman. He certainly is not my ideal Spiderman but he does make a good Spiderman. He has the heart of a hero for sure. Lets not forget that he is still just a kid in high school. Compare to Peter Parker when he got his spider powers he was already graduating high school moving into the real world.

his age definitely makes you doubt him but like the original Spiderman he was willing to take risk and practice his Spider powers. I like the added powers that he was given. He not only had Spider powers but he also had invisibility as well as lightning shock.

Many people prefer Peter Parker but Miles Morales is not bad. Peter Parker brings a nerdy vibe to the party while Miles has more of a serious “What are we going to do?” type of vibe. What I like about Parker is that he is actually smart. I feel that Miles is lacking in the intelligence department. Parker is able to figure things about faster however, according to the comic books, Miles is suppose to be a fast learner.

The character was more appealing to the younger audience. As for me, I am a 90’s kid so I am for Peter Parker all the way. That being said I cant wait to be how Miles grows.

The Story

I thought the story was well done. I like how the villains came to be in the Spider-verse. I don’t want to give the movie away but the way that all the Spider-man from other universes were brought was incredible. This was one hell of a cross over. It seems that this is the era of cross overs. You know, from the Avengers to Final Fantasy Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts.

Who doesn’t love cross overs.

The way that all the Spider-mans and Spider-Gwen meet was great. However, the only thing that bothered me was that it took Miles a long time to begin to use his powers seriously. This does not make the movie worst because of all the other Spiders that make up for what Miles lacked. The fact that he used his powers by accident many times made up for it as well.

There is a surprise with Peter Parker in the movie that is a bit hard to watch and I don’t want to spoil that either.

Throughout the movie, it feels like you are taking part of a comic book story. The art style is one of the most entertaining parts of the movie.

My favorite character was Spider-Gwen(Because who doesnt love a female Spider).

I rate this movie an 8.5 / 10