So if you are going to Japan you definitely want to check out the nightlife and want to know where the best places are of course. So why should you read this article or read what I have to say. Well, because I have been to Japan and I have visited some of the coolest spots in Japan like the restaurant that inspired Kill Bill in Roppongi. Let me show you where to go to find the best places in for bar crawling and clubbing in Japan so that you will save time and headaches and not have to ask those “well where is that party at?” questions.
When traveling to any country, it is important to research the best spots and have a transportation plan. Which by the way, if you are trying to find out how to get around in Japan, check out the article I wrote on How to navigate the Tokyo train lines. But before I tell you where the party is at, lets break down the kind of places you can go to in Japan.
3 Types of Clubs In Japan
Dance Club(Night Clubs)
Well of course, there are plenty of these clubs and below I am going to tell you where you can find the best. Despite of how zen or how reserve the Japanese can be, they sure know how to have a good time. You will find that in clubs they play all kinds of music. I was surprise to hear Reggaeton music when I was in Japan. I knew they were really into Hip Hop but Reggaeton, I was not expecting it. In case you did not know what Reggaeton is, it is basically rap music that originated from Puerto Rico.
Now there are certain clubs that play a type of music that you might or might not like so you really have to look. Some clubs are more based on hip hop and others more on electronica, which by the way, Japanese Electro music is amazing and I dare say, one of my favorites.
Snack Bar
You might be wondering, what in gods name is a snack bar. Can you really put the words, “snack” and “bar” together. Well in Japan, a snack bar (commonly for men) is a place where you pay a fee for a certain amount of time and you get to drink as much as you want. For example: when I got to snack bars in Akihabara, I pay, $15 to $20 and I have unlimited drinks for 30 minutes and if I want more time then I pay and extra $15. its that simple. And yes, unlimited drinks. However, you do have to pay more money if want food. But the main idea of these places are the drinks. Getting unlimited drinks for 30 minutes to an hour.
Also along with the time you paid for, you have cute girls that give you company. They talk to you and have nice conversations with you and they dress in really pleasant outfits for you. Its lovely. I does not sound like much but you might like it. Personally I like Japanese women and I love their company. There are also snack bars for girls where men give the girls some company.
Host Clubs
I have never been to a host club but there are many people who do and really enjoy it. A host club or Hostess club, is similar to a bar but a hot girl joins you on your table and serves you drinks. She flirts with you and chat with you, entertains you. These places usually cost about $80 an hours and as low as $50 and hour. You can easily find these in Shinjuku. Keep in mind that Host club is where men serve girls and a hostess club is where women serve men. I fucking love Japan.
And now for the locations.
Best Places for Bar Crawling and clubbing.
Roppongi is where the best clubs are at. Roppongi is where I went to see the restaurant that inspired Kill Bill. Roppongi has a great reputation for its nightlife. Its has a mixture of Japanese style and Western style bars. This is the place to go Bar Crawling. Expect the night clubs and bars to be similar to western style as far as how people behave. Although the Japanese are very polite, every body can go a little crazy at the bar or club.
People say that Shibuya has great clubs but I say its more of a shopping district. However, you will find really great clubs. There is one called the HUB, I never been in there but I have seen people trying to get people to go to that club. I love Shibuya. Oh Yeah, I almost forgot to mention. There is a HOOTERS restaurant in Shibuya not far from the crossing. I was surprised when I saw a Hooters restaurant in Shibuya. There were some amazing Japanese girls girls with big boobs(oppai). I have to say, I enjoyed chatting them up. Go check it out.
Akihabara is not big on clubs but if you want to find a bunch of snack bars, Akihabara is the place to go. Maybe its because I am nerdy but Akihabara was my favorite place to go when I was in Japan. I went to five different snack bars in Akihabara and loved it. Each snack bar has a different theme. Magical Girl theme where girls dress up as witches and their menu is a book of spells. The playboy theme where all the players go and the girls dress up like playboy bunnies. I LOVE AKIHABARA. I want to write a song about this place for god sakes.
This is also where the maid cafes are at, if you are into that. Which by the way you can also check out my article titled: Are maid cafes worth it in Japan?
So Shinjuku is awesome but where the party is at is an area called Kabukichiko which is hard to miss once you get off the Shinjuku train station. Kabukichiko is where the famous Robot restaurant is and also where all the cool host and hostess clubs are. Be careful, there are some host and hostess clubs that don’t let foreigners in.
There were some people that approached me as I was walking around Kabukichiko for some adult business and I turned it down. Don’t be surprise if people approach you. It is very common. There also, soaplands and massage parlors if you are interested in that. But what is common in this area is the hostess and host clubs with hot Japanese girls and handsome Japanese boys. Oh Yeah, lets not forget the love hotels. If you are looking to pull from the bar or club then do not worry as to where you can take the girl. There is a love hotel in Every corner in Shinjuku. Roppongi has the most love hotels than I have ever seen in Japan. I mean literally one love hotel next to the other. As far as dance clubs, you will find some in Shinjuku but not as many as Roppongi.
Anyways, that is all folks. Hope you found this article helpful and make sure to leave a comment below.