The Dark Crystal got the Netflix world by storm. This really is the golden age of Television where companies can produce movies and TV shows much faster than before. Jim Henson’s Dark Crystal made a come back that not many people were expecting. However, this return really got us going and the majority of people loved the return of the puppets. The new generation who did not know about the Dark Crystal went back to watch the old movie from 1982. Till this day that movie is breath taking and it brings something to modern day movie goers obsesses with CG that I believe we needed. A different taste.
The Dark Crystal puppet art brings an element to the screen that many people did not know they would like. There is something magical about puppets that is very luring. It feels like its a new art but it is not. Although it is not for everyone many viewers still appreciate it that art of the puppets. The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance gives us the tale of the Gelflings against the Skeksis. We already know their fate but we want to see how it all happens. I think this series had to happen because much like Star Wars A New Hope, The Dark Crystal takes places after a genocide. After the Skeksis destroy all the Gelfling. There is so much space for what happened before the movie that they had to tell the story of the Glefling clans.
So now that most viewers devour the Age of Resistance show on Netflix, we are now waiting for season 2 and wondering when is it going to be release and what will happen. So lets go over the details of season 2, what to expect and when will we see it coming.
Deet’s Infection of the Darkening
One of the first things that we noticed at the very last episode was that Deet was infected by the darkening. When the Skeksis Emperor used the darkening to attack the Gelflings, Deet came and absorbed the darkness with the power that the tree from her home land gave her. She had used this power three times during the season and we witness how it was taking over her body.
If you ever watched Naruto, the character Sasuke gets taken over by the curse seal and behaves abnormally with great strength, I believe that is what will happen to Deet. I am not saying that she will become evil but she might start behaving the same way how the animals behave. We watched how the plant life dies around her because of the darkening so she will have to stay away from the Gelfling clans to prevent from hurting them.
Since the Skeksis have the power of the darkening now they can also used the darkening to control her. Then she really will become their puppet. Unless she somehow over comes the power of the darkening which is thoughtful due to the outcome of the story. Perhaps Rian can set her free somehow which then leads to the trouble in their relationship. Rian did try to get close to Deet at some point(towards the end of the season) but she rejected him not because she didn’t want him but because she had already been infected by the darkening.
Also remember Deet’s vision, of how Jen would return the shard to the Dark Crystal in the castle of the Skeksis. Deet and Rian could be the parents of Jen and I would not doubt it. They both seem to have a greater purpose and part in saving the Skeksis. We might be able to see the parents of Jen and kira in Season 2
The Shard
So after the fight with the Skeksis, we find out that the shard of the Crystal was in the handle of the Sword Rian was using. In the 1982 movie, we know that Aughra holds the shard in her lair when Jen comes looking for it. We know Aughra will survive the attack and genocide of the Gelflings so she will be keeping the shard. They don’t really know what the shard actually does.
Whoever had hid the shard inside the handle of the Gelfling sword knew that who ever wield the sword would be the one brave enough to return the shard to the castle of the Dark Crystal.
New Gelflings From Other Clans
So the main characters of this story are of three different clan. Rian is of the Stonewood clan of warriors, Deet is of the Grottan and finally we saw the Vapra where princess Brea is from . We saw glimpses of the other clans and their Maudra. A total of seven clans. The main lead characters are from three different clans but I believe that there will be more characters taking the lead in Season 2.
Also with the war against the Skeksis rising, more clans will rise and join Rian and the gang. Skeksis might have been divided at some point but war is bringing them together. If they are to survive they are going to need to fight together. Some new characters will be reveal and joining the main story with Rian and Brea.
Release Date
The Henson team has already created most of the world of the Dark Crystal. They have the settings built and most of the puppets already made. The series got really good feedback and we are already anticipating season 2. The fans are eager to know what happens next and Netflix is well aware of that. So because most of the setting is already built, they wont spend so much time to release season 2 of the Dark Crystal. Also, unlike the 1982 movie of the Dark Crystal, now they are using, CG in addition to the puppetry. CG and puppetry works absolutely great. The original Dark Crystal too many years to make because of the limitations they had in their time but now with a combination of computer film technology as well as better supplies and resources to make the puppets, we can expect a release date of late 2020 to early 2021.
So either by November or December of 2020 or January or February of 2021.