Pokemon Detective Pikachu 2 What To Expect

Source of upcoming movie

So after the success of Detective Pikachu, Legendary has decided to make another Pokemon Movie. That is right. A Detective Pikachu 2 is on the works but there is a catch.

Spoiler Alert for those who did not watch the Detective Pikachu movie.

It turns out that Pikachu was not actually the detective in the movie. He was just the set up for a the story. Turns out Mew Two was uniting human consciousness with Pokemon bodies and that is how Pikachu ended up talking to the main character. At the end of the movie the effect is reverse and everything is back to normal. So there was no detective Pikachu despite the title of the film.

Will it be a follow up after the detective Pikachu movie, possibly but Andy Art TV sources has not confirmed that complete plot. Because of how Detective Pikachu ended, the next movie cannot possibly be a follow up but rather a movie in the same Pokemon Universe.

Movies in the same universe is something that Hollywood has been trying to replicate since the 10 year success of the Marvel Universe. There is even confirmation that a Pokemon Red and Blue Live Action Movie is already in line for development after the Detective Pikachu. Yes that is right, A Pokemon Red and Blue based on the successful 1990’s Nintendo game.

So Detective Pikachu 2 can involve Tim Goodman again but with a different story. Maybe it will be a comedy mystery once again but with a different spin. That being said we probably wont be hearing Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu again since Mewtwo reverse the effect in the movie. So again, Tim Goodman might come back in the second movie but it will be a whole different story.

Legendary is already moving forward with the sequel. The movie had a budget of about $150 Million and then it made a $430 Million in the box office. It was really profitable. The results were really satisfactory. Pokemon is such a huge franchise with all its other products such as Pokemon GO! and the video games and the anime. Lets not forget the Pokemon Stores, toys, clothes and such. You can bet your paycheck that Hollywood will make more Pokemon movies the same way Disney will make more Superhero movies.

There is not much to say about this until more news is release on the upcoming films but until then…