Super Nintendo World Will Beat Disney World

Universal Studios in Orlando Florida is going to be adding a Super Nintendo World to their park. Universal Studios is doing everything that Disney has failed to do with their theme park. As a matter of fact, Disney themselves had announced that Disney World park is no longer their focus. Disney’s new focus is the video streaming service Disney Plus.

Video streaming alone is not a sustainable business model. There has to be something else holding the business up. People subscribe and unsubscribe from streaming services every month.

Disney had failed with the Star Wars Galaxy’s Edge park. No one cared about it because very few people enjoyed the new Trilogies. It is very obvious that Disney no longer cares about the park. They no longer care about the fans.

This is why Universal Studios is going to destroy Disney in the battle of theme parks. Once Nintendo World is built, everyone is going to storm to the iconic park with Super Mario. They are also adding a Pokemon theme park in Universal. So with both Mario and Pokemon, two of the biggest video game franchise in the world, being added to Universal Studios, Disney is really going to have to step up their game.

If you watch the video above, how beautiful the park looks thus far, Disney World does not compare.

This is going to drive the masses over to Universal while Disney company wonders what happened to their following.

Get woke, go broke.

Super Nintendo World has a park in Osaka Japan and a new addition to Universal Studios in Orlando Florida.