Now a days there seems to be a political agenda for movies TV Shows and even books. Now if you are like me you are probably turned off by it or maybe you are on that side of the sphere. Despite of your political opinions and believes I think that we can all agree that when you try to force something on a certain group of people they will immediately be repelled by you.
We all know JK Rowling for her Harry Potter books. The books that turned her into a writing rock star so to speak. We all love her, we think she is a great person and some of us see her as a role model. Maybe you want your daughter to be like her. Maybe you want to marry someone like her. I believe JK Rowling is all those things. However, what has been happening recently in her books, the media, news, her twitter postings and her movies, it has not been very pleasant to some people and a little misleading.
Years of fandom into “Huh?”
Maybe JK Rowling does not notice what she is doing or maybe like many liberals and people on the alt left of the political side, think that what she is doing is a good thing. It is moral and it is the right thing to do. But is it so when you are trying to force it.
Lets take the “Dumbledore is gay” case. Never in the Harry Potter books was it mentioned or pointed out that Dumbledore was gay. If she tried to indirectly show it during that time that Harry went to see that magic mirror than she failed. Other books don’t shy away from stating or showing whether or not if a character is gay or not.
Recently JK Rowling said that Hermoine Granger was African-British, in other words she was black. However, if you read the entire Harry Potter series, there is no indication of Hermoine being a black girl. If she is referring to how Hermoine is described in the book, with having a bossy voice, bushy hair and so on. The personally can fit a black girl but without an image the personally can fit to any girl of any racial background.
As you can see, Rowling is changing the race of certain characters YEARS AFTER the series had finished. Not a very wise move.
Fans are questioning her especially now with all this political tension happening in the western world for god sakes.
Also the fact that a black woman played Hermoine for the Harry Potter stage play confused some people because when we see the movie we know Hermoine is a British girl. I think Rowling is just trying to help out the African community and all though that is nice I think that she should consider what her fans would like first. The majority on her fans that is.
The same thing is happening in Hollywood with certain characters being changed in super heroes films.
For example: Idris Alba was going to take on the role of James Bond until people started attacking him and Hollywood about it. I honestly prefer James Bond to be British than African because that is how I grew up seeing James Bond. That same way that I love the Black Panther to be African. I think it would be a little weird to see a Caucasian Black Panther.
I don’t want to be racist but I want to share my feelings on that.
I am Latino and I never felt the need to see other Latinos on the big screen. If I do then that is great but if I don’t then that is ok too.
I wrote an article about diversity in movies and books click here to read it.
LGBT and Racial Diversity In Books And Movies
I understand that people want to see themselves on movies and TV Shows but that can be done in a better way that does not interfere with the original material. Remember the all female Ghost Buster movie. It flopped and for a very good reason. The original Ghost Busters were male but Hollywood thought they they show some girl power and ruined the movie.
When adding diverse characters to an established franchise, you scare the original fans away. I mean if the purpose was to gain new fans and then promote a new movie or book to then that is great. However, if you do what JK Rowling is doing and changing the sex and gender of the characters to fit your political agenda then you are going to ruin it for your fans and they will leave you and find someone else that fits their needs.
JK Rowling failed to serve her fans. She confused them. If Hermoine was black from the very beginning and fans knew that, they would not complain but because Rowling decided that Hermoine was going to be black years after the series ended then people are like “What the fuck?” and then they get accused with racism.
Excuse me! You have got to be kidding me.
Consistency is part of the game. I am a writer so I understand what makes a story so great.
That is it for this article on Rowling.
What do you think. Do you think Rowling made a smart move or a good move?
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