What God Of War For PS4 Has Taught Us About Character Development

God of War for the Playstation 4 should have been called, Dad of War. Kratos went through a huge change from the previous games to the new and improved game. This game really does the deserve to be one of the top RPG/ Adventure games in the world. It managed to keep a similar style from the previous games to the transition of the PS4.

However, we are not here to talk about the gameplay but rather the writing of the story. Now a days, a video has to be able to tell a story much like the movies or a TV show. That is why video games like the Last of Us and Life is Strange are making big bucks.

People want a story, not just to play a game. Unless you are really old school than that is a different story.

God of War for PS4 had two things that it did right. The first thing it did right was to change the protagonist and make him more likable. I think this was necessary because in the previous games, Kratos was an asshole. That might have been fine for a movie but in  a video game you are playing as the character himself and so when you play as an asshole, it hurts. I remember a scene where Kratos is crossing over a ledge of a mountain and a soldier is hanging from the ledge. Instead of helping the soldier, Kratos comes and pushes him off. If you are a sensitive person you might recent Kratos or even hate him.

If you a feminist, you will not like the old God of War games but the new game will be much more enjoyable since Kratos is now a changed man. So lets starts by going back to the old games.

Kratos in the God of War Trilogy

Kratos was a Spartan soldier that went up the ranks in his army and became a leader. He did everything he could to win battles to the point that he gave up his soul to the god of war himself, Aries. Aries gave Kratos the blades of Olympus, turning him into an ultimate weapon.

Eventually Kratos killed Aries in vengeance and then took his place as the God of War. Kratos was always blaming other people for what happened to him yet most of the shit that happened were his fault to begin with.

Not only was he an asshole that destroyed anything in his path but he caused most of the drama in the first place. He gave his life to Aries so that he can live but that turned out to be the reason why his wife and daughter were killed.

Then he fought Zeus and by accident he killed Athena instead. It was not enough to go after Zeus. He then had to bring the Titans to Mount Olympus so that he can destroy all the Greek Gods.

Kratos was just full of anger, hatred, vengeance and just pure destruction. There was nothing that he loved more than to watch his enemy scream in pain. Kratos was a beast and killed mindlessly many times. He was brutal.

This is why no one liked Kratos and the honestly, gamers played God of War because of the action. Kratos was not a likable character but the franchise did well. It was a real masculine game.

Kratos Character development

So in the end of God of War, Kratos seems to have committed suicide. He destroyed everything so there was no point in living anymore. However, he is a god, the last Greek god standing and so he found a way to Midgar, where the Norse gods resided.

He moves there to start a new life and hopefully not make the same mistakes.

When the game starts immediately we see a changed man. He is not the same person and he is able to control his anger around his son.

Realizing all that he had done in Greece, he knew that he had to change. He lived in peace with his son and had found a new purpose.

Kratos is ashamed of his past and does not want his son to see it. The scars that the chains of Olympus leave are covered with bandages and Kratos hides it from his son. Trouble does find Kratos but he does not go looking for trouble anymore. Like when Baldur showed up we saw a lot of patients in him until of course he was pushed too far.

So this new Kratos is more likable. Someone who has learned from his past, has humiliation and is trying to be a good father to his son. We can relate to him more and of course we cannot forget what Atreus brings to the table.

Dad of War

Dad of war really helps you face your daddy issues or at least makes you think about them. I personally did not have my father around and when he was around, I was not a good kid. My father passed away when I was eleven to twelve years old. Playing dad of war really made me think about my father. It also helped me think about what I wanted for my children when I do become a father.

Kratos was really learning a lot from his son. Atreus really brought a sense of fulfillment to Kratos. A hole that needed to be filled.

Kratos was no longer blaming people for the shit that had happened but instead he was taking responsibility for his bullshit. He is honest with his son and shows humility whenever he left Atreus alone and apologizes.

We see his sadness when Atreus gets sick and Kratos is forced to use the blades of chaos. His vibe changed dramatically but yes, there is still that animal that likes to destroy, however, he does it for a different reason now.

Kratos became a likable character in this God of War game. The writers of this game did an excellent job of recreating the character. Not only was it challenging but it was worth it. The way he cares about his son and the fact that the entire story is a personal journey to tossed his wife’s ashes at the top of the mountain was made it even more heart warming. Kratos and his son were on a journey to fulfill a promise.

In order for a character to grow, he has to face his demons. For readers to continue reading, they have to care about the main character and be able to relate to him or her.