When Will Dragon Ball Super Return After The Tournament of Power

The tournament of power in Dragon Ball Super had to be the best tournament thus far. From little Goku’s early life, fighting Master Roshi in the tournaments, to the Cell Saga. Nothing beats the tournament of power and we can all agree on that. We got to see so many new characters from different universes. We got to see some fusion between saiyans, Califla and Kale. We saw the mighty Jiren in action. Most importantly, we saw Goku’s new form, Ultra Instinct.

After the tournament of power, the Dragon Ball Super anime has not continue and people sure miss it. So what is going to happen now. There has not been any new announcements since the end of the tournament arc and many fans think that there will probably not be any new dragon episodes for the next few years.

Although there has been no news of Dragon Ball Super returning here are a few things that are for sure and what can be easily predicted.

Why Dragon Ball Super Will Return

Dragon Ball Super is owned by Shueisha Inc. Dragon Ball is one of those franchises that is constantly releasing video game title after video game title. With billions of fans around the world and all the merchandise the show sells, there is absolutely no way that Shueisha will stop making new Dragon Ball Super episodes.

Before there was Dragon Ball Super, there was Dragon Ball GT, which many people hated. GT was not canon by the way. Afterwards, there was Dragon Ball heroes (in Japan) and other DB things that were not really canon. Lets not forget the whole Xenoverse game.

Shueisha Inc always finds ways to profit from Dragon Ball because it is an anime that is popular world wide unlike other titles. An anime like Death Note is not exactly popular world wide. One Piece seems to be popular with over 900 episodes however, Dragon Ball has billions of fans, not millions.

If you look at the chart above, you will see that the Dragon Ball franchise makes $24 billion per year. So of course there will be more Dragon Ball Super episodes. Of course there is going to be new forms for Goku and Vegeta. There is no doubt about it.

The problem is that some franchises could not continue because of the pandemic of 2020. Perhaps some voice actors could not make it to the studio to record. Who knows exactly but we do know that the pandemic was one of the reason.

Some people would say, “well there were many shows many in 2020,” and you are right. Many people got to work from home. Many animators in Japan work from home and don’t even have to show up to the studio. Despite of everything that has happened, Shueisha will continue to make episodes of Dragon Ball Super because it is profitable and they are not just going to stop.

The Manga Is Suppose To Be Ahead of the Anime

Akira Toriyama and Toyotarou are focusing on the manga. Sure, Toriyama will consult the animation studio when they need his help, however, the manga always comes first.

People always wonder why some anime have so many filler episode and the answer is, because the anime is not allow to catch up to the manga. Otherwise, the animators and the mangaka will have a similar situation to what happened with Game of Thrones Season 8. George RR Martin had not released the next book in the series and so the studio said, “screw you George, we moving without you.”

When it comes to the story, the manga always has to be ahead. The Dragon Ball manga was already in the Moro arc while the anime was showing the tournament of power arc. When an anime catches up with the manga, we have a similar situation to Naruto. The creators of the Naruto anime have to make filler episodes just so that the anime does not catch up to the manga and to keep the fans entertained. Naruto was so popular that it had so much funding and episodes we made pretty fast. Naruto was constantly catching up with the manga and thus there were more filler episodes that the fans hated (at least in the west).

The Dragon Ball Super Manga is two arcs ahead of the anime with the Moro arc and the Granolah arc that started in 2021 January. So the anime is good to go but Shueisha is probably cooking something before releasing the anime. Don’t be surprise if there is another movie on the way.

Shueisha Inc bought domain Name in August 2020

Here is some spicy news.

Although there is no confirmation about the continuation of the Dragon Ball Super anime after the tournament of power, there is some evidence that it could continue.

In August of 2020 while the pandemic was raging on and all hell broke loose in American (and parts of Europe) Shueisha decided to buy the domain name dragon-ball-official.com

If you have any doubts, you can go to who.is and see for yourself.

So as you can see when you go to the website who.is and enter the domain, it tells you when it was registered.

As you scroll down it will give you the contact information of the registrant (person who bought the domain name). It is indeed, Shueisha Inc, from Chiyoda-Ku Tokyo Japan.

There is no doubt about it. If you have ever bought a domain, yes your information can be found on a whois website.

So what does this mean?

Shueisha buying a new dragon ball domain name for a website means that they are obviously planning something in the future. To be honest, it is very doubtful that there will be anything new for Dragon Ball in the year 2021 however, the year 2022 could be promising. Whether if its a movie or new season, we will all be happy.

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