Why Did Omni-Man Kill The Guardians In Invincible

Amazon Prime’s Invincible has to be one of the best western cartoon shows to come out since 2005 when Avatar The Last Airbender came out. It really changed how we view superheroes. Most super hero shows are about saving the day and while Invincible has many heroes it turns the tables and shows us how one hero (such as Super Man ) can be evil and against humanity.

Invincible’s idea of superheroes that are bad has been done before but hmmm, I wonder what show it was. Oh yes, The Boys. Amazon Prime video gave us the Boys and Invincible. It looks like they are really getting into the niche of anti superheroes. I guess they realized that there was a market for it.

While we all love jerks like Homelander from The Boys, a character like Omni Man that resembles Super Man makes us think differently about beings that are far too powerful for mankind. Invincible takes a realistic approach at the superhero genre. Omni Man gave the viewers a shock when (spoiler alert) he turns against his own fellow superheroes.

Some people think that Omni Man is evil and from a human perspective, he is. Some say that he is the worst father a boy could ever have and that part is true however, in this article you will find out why Omni Man was actually not evil. (Reminds me of the meme Griffith did nothing wrong from Berserk)

Omni-Man’s Planet and Customs

So Omni Man is from the planet Viltrum. The Viltrumite empire has conquered many planets. At first in the beginning of season one, Omni Man told Mark that Viltrum has helped many planets advance and survive then once his crimes are revealed, he tells Mark that Viltrum conquers many planets in their galaxy.

When Omni Man was sent to earth, he was on a mission. He was not there to find a wife and have children. He was sent to earth to weaken it so that it would be easier for the Viltrumite to conquer it. It just so happens that Omni man fell in love and had a son. When he found out that Mark awakened his powers, he decided to continue his mission.

The Viltrumites did something similar that the Spartans did. The Spartans infanticide their own children if they had any physical defects that would make them weak or prevent from becoming a warrior. They were very calculating and made sure that every man could be turn into a warrior. Some might see this as cruel and cold but it was part of the Spartan culture and the reason why they were so strong.

The Viltrumites did the same thing except they did not discard babies at birth, they kill the weakest of their own kind. Omni Man said “after getting rid of the weak, our population was cut in half.”

Omni Man is the opposite of Super Man. The Viltrums were more like the Saiyan race in Dragon Ball Z.

Why Omni-Man Decided To Kill The Guardians

So now that you understand some of the customs of the Viltrumites, you should know after watching the show that the Viltrums send their people to weaken planets and make them easier to conquer, right.

It wasn’t until Mark’s powers started to awaken that Omni Man decided that he should get rid of the Guardians. There is a reason for this. With his son by his side (another Viltrum) Omni Man thought that Mark would join his mission on conquering earth, making it a part of Viltrum. There was no need for the Guardians. He had to get rid of the strongest fighters on planet earth, which was part of his mission to “weaken earth.”

It is also part of his people’s customs to get rid of the weakest among them and on planet earth Omni man is the most powerful being. However, he had to hide the fact that he killed the guardians so that his family did not worry or thought negatively of him. Omni Man did say that he did not think that he would start a family when he arrived to earth.

Is Omni-Man A Bad Guy?

You are not going to like this answer but NO!

Omni Man is actually not a bad guy.


Because he is from another planet with different believes and different customs. In his eyes, he was right to get rid of the weakest on earth because that is what was done on his planet. He was not sent to earth to make friends and start a family, he was sent to weaken the planet. He was just doing his job however, because humans were the ones being hunted, we see him as the bad guy.

Part of Omni Man’s mission weakened a planet is to deceive the people there. To deceive them and make them think he is on their side (which is awful). Again, he is just doing what his own people would do which, in his eyes, was the right thing to do not the immoral thing to do.

If an alien came from outer space and decided to live among us, that alien is going to have its own set of believes and customs. If its alien race thought that humans were a waste of time and it was better to get rid of them, the alien would not think it was wrong.

Omni Man does not believe he is wrong. This isn’t a case of good and evil. This is about cultures and customs. Omni Man came from a species that lives for thousands of years, who are very powerful. Humans only live for 80 years that is why our way of decision making is different.

What is the difference between Omni Man and Super Man

Besides the fact that Super Man shoots lasers from his eyes and Omni Man can’t, the only other difference is that Super Man was sent to Earth to survive. Omni Man on the other hand was sent to Earth to conquer.

Super Man was raised by humans and thus learned their ways and adapted their way of thinking despite of his incredible power. Super Man was always Super Man but to fit in he had to make himself look weak and he enjoyed being around humans.

If Omni Man was raised on Earth then he would have never betrayed the Guardians.