Why Disney's Star Wars Movies Will Never Be As Popular As the Original

There are now two Star Wars in the fandom. There is the original Star Wars with the original trilogy. A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Part of that series is the Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Return of the Sith. These movies were great. These are the movies that hardcore fans love.

Then there is Disney’s Star Wars. The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi, Back To Sleep….oops I mean, The Rise of Skywalker (which is a stupid title because it has nothing to do with the movie). Disney took Star Wars and instead of trying to create something new, they were just thinking of way that they could capitalize on it. In other words, they were trying to duplicate the same story from the original movies. A Force Awakens is just a copy of A New Hope with a female protagonist.

You see Disney did not care about Star Wars since the very beginning. Disney is no longer the same Disney that you grew up with in the 1980s and 1990s. The Disney that Walt Disney himself created was suppose to be a cartoon and film empire. Now its just a corporation buying out other companies and franchises that they can profit from so that they don’t have to do all the work.

Disney abandoned the idea that originally made them successful. They moved away from hand drawn animation and decided to go completely for 3D animation. OK fine. Instead of making more 2D animated films they decided to make live action adaptations for the new generation. Ok fine. Reboots and remakes are profitable and for the most part they stayed true to the original source.

So bought Star Wars from George Lucas in the hopes that they could make money from it while giving the fans what they wanted. This is where they failed. They did not give the fans what they wanted. The new Star Wars movies were not made for the fans (except for maybe Rogue One). Instead they decided to use Star Wars to push their political agendas. This is where they went wrong.

What Is Wrong With Disney’s Star Wars

Disney’s Star Wars story does not make sense. The reason why it does not make sense is because they did not really have a plan to begin with. In the creation of The Force Awakens, George Lucas already had an idea for the new Star Wars trilogy but the producers at Disney said, “screw that we got a better idea.” That better idea just ended up pissing people off.

All the characters that people loved were ruined.

Han Solo a deadbeat father still wondering around the galaxy instead of being with his family. His relationship with Leia did not work out. Also the Solo A Star Wars Story movie sucked and flopped in the box office.

Leia all of a sudden could use the force without much explanation. She also trained Rey in the Jedi arts and they even had a flash back showing Leia and Luke training. If Leia was so great with the force and if she trained with Luke, why didn’t she fight in battles along side her comrades instead of sitting back and watching her men fight for her. Not once did Leia picked up a light saber. If she was so good at using the force then she would have been able to fight against the First Order.

Rey is a by all means a Mary Sue. Rey was too perfect of a character. She knew how to do everything really well. She could fix the Millennium Falcon, She could fight, She learned how to use the force super duper fast, she learned how to use a light saber without any training and the list goes on. Oh yeah, in the Rise of Skywalker, she could use the force to heal(wasn’t that something that only master Jedi could do). She could shoot force lightning from her hand (she did it once and then never did it again). Rey did everything right without any training. She just knew.

One of the reasons why people like Goku, Naruto and heck superheroes like Batman and Spiderman, is because we got to see how they became who they are. We saw little Goku become stronger since his childhood as well as Naruto. We saw how Peter Parker became Spider Man and all his tragedies. We love Batman because despite of the fact that he is rich we could relate to his struggles(and we saw how he became so strong). However, when it comes to Rey from Star Wars, she is just absolutely perfect. That is why people dont like Rey and the new Star Wars trilogy.

Kilo Ren is probably the only character with real development in the movies. However, his back story with Luke was total shit. Luke could not handle one of his own students. Anyways, Kilo Ren’s character was the most relatable because of his struggled of being seduced by the dark side and resisting it.

Finn because obsolete in the second and third movie. his character was meaningless. In the first movie everyone liked him because no one had ever seen a storm trooper that was mentally free of the grasp of the empire. Finn was special because he escaped the First Order being a storm Trooper. That is something that had never been done before. Then of course they ruined his character, having him run around with Rose and Po.

The original Star Wars had meaning. Each character had a purpose. Now it is just fan service. They took Star Wars and turned it into a meme rather than a masterpiece.

Disney Betrayed George Lucas

Kathleen Kennedy who was the producer for the Disney Star Wars Trilogy had betrayed George Lucas. The deal was that George Lucas would help write the script, he would give them ideas as to how the story would go and at the end of the day, Kathleen Kennedy said, “to hell with your ideas, this is better.” Kennedy decided that she and other directors were going to go a different way with Star Wars and as a result, the new movies were hated and they sucked.

George Lucas felt betrayed because they would not let him work on his own movies. They would not let him touch the script and they would not let him even come to the set of the making of Star Wars. The way Disney saw it, they bought Star Wars and now Star Wars was theirs.

George Lucas came to terms with the decision to sell Star Wars. After he was betrayed (when The Force Awakens was released) he just saw it as a divorce. George Lucas already had other projects in mind anyways so it was time to move from Star Wars.

The funny thing is that George Lucas gave Kathleen Kennedy access and to all Star Wars source material of books, cartoons, comic books, hundreds of novels and other mediums. The idea was to take ideas from those sources and created a new Star Wars. However, Kathleen Kennedy goes on to say in an interview.

It was really hard to work with Star Wars because it had no source material.

Yeah, my ass. You are telling me that a billion dollars franchise that has hundreds of books, comic books, video games (with their own story) have no source material. Nothing to work from. You have to be kidding me.

Oh yeah and lets not forget.

Those are just two articles from popular news websites. I mean even Forbes is saying that Star Wars toys arent selling.

Why aren’t Star Wars toys not selling? Because the movies are shit. If the movies were so great then the toys would be flying off the shelves. Pokemon toys are still selling, why? Because the fans still love Pokemon and the franchise has not failed yet.

This is how you know that Star Wars is in ruins. The next Star Wars movies are also going to go down the drain because it is going to be full of feminism, identity politics, LGBT and much more.

Better find another franchise to move towards to. This is why anime is doing so well, because it has a lot of creative freedom and there is no agenda being pushed with the stories.