Why Forced Diversity In Movies And TV Shows Is Ruining Entertainment

It seems that we cannot have a movie without some kind of diversity mandate. Whether if its more LGBT characters, or more African American characters, more brown people or whatever else is considered for inclusion, its all over the movies and the worst part is that many times it feels unnatural.

Now it is understandable that people like to see others that look like them on movies and TV shows however, you don’t need to be of the same ethnic background, gender or sexual orientation to relate to fictional characters. How can this be true? Well, look at anime and manga which most characters look Asian. How about Kung Fu movies? Western people love Kung Fu movies because everyone loves to see a good fight. Do Kung Fu movies need more Americans in it to be enjoyable, absolutely not.

There are many ways to connect with people other than skin color and race.

Just because a TV show or movie is very diverse with light skin people and brown skin people does not mean that it will be good. Take a look at the all female Ghost Busters movie. It flopped and the idea was that people would love to watch a movie with all female leads like Charlie’s Angel but it failed. Why? Because they did not understood the audience.

Diversity is a nice thing to have but it is not necessary to make a good movie. Movie directors should be allowed to work with whatever actors they want to make a movie. However, that is a different argument. Lets find out why diversity is actually ruining movies.

What Is Forced Diversity?

In entertainment diversity is when a TV show or movie has a cast of actors of different racial backgrounds like The Office or Breaking Bad. Both shows are great.

Forced diversity is when an original character like (like Spiderman’s Mary Jane) is taken and then casted as a brown skin Latina. Now please do not misunderstand, no disrespect intended. Andy Art TV is owned by a Latino, Andy Matrix.

People who forced diversity in movies feel pity for minorities and try to cast Latinos, African Americans and Asians to get them to watch TV shows or movies.

The elites of Hollywood believe that with diversity they will get more people to watch a TV show or movie because there are more characters that look like them.

Want to reach the American Indian audience, add an Indian character. Want to reach the Asian America audience then add an Asian character. Want to reach the Latino community in America, then add a Latino character.

Its also called race baiting. Adding characters of different race to get people to watch it.

Three is also something called queer baiting on the internet. This is done to get the gay community to watch the movie or TV show. This is being done in the Comic Book industry a lot and it has been done in Cartoon shows. Recently, Robin (Batman’s sidekick) is now gay. The Netflix He-Man reboot had Teela as a lesbian.

Nothing wrong with their sexual orientation but Hollywood does not care about gay people, they just want more viewers and your money.

The Problem With Forced Diversity

The 2021 Snake Eyes movie was suppose to have a Caucasian male lead character, however, because of cultural appropriation, the producers of the movie decided to make the character Asian. It does not make sense because then that would change the original lore of the story.

The 2017 Netflix Death Note live action movie changed the main character and the antagonist race. Light Yagami was Caucasian and L was African American. These characters were suppose to be Asian.

The live action Ghost In the Shell movie race swapped the main character. Scarlet Johansson starred as Major. The original character from the anime was Asian.

Heimdall in the Thor movies was originally Caucasian but they cast an African American.

Now there are times when people don’t care about race swapping because the movie was just so good. Like the Aquaman movie with Jason Mamoa. Nobody complained about Jason Mamoa playing Aquaman despite of the fact that Jason was not white. Aquaman originally had blonde hair and blue eyes. The reason why no one spoke up about this was because we all love Jason Mamoa, yes, even the men.

The problem with diversity in movies is that it puts more importance on the activism of diversity then the story of the movie. It under minds the story of the movie, especially if its a historical movie. A good example would be The Great Wall which was suppose to be the story about the Great Wall of China however, the main character was played by Matt Damon. That made no sense what so ever since the movie took place in ancient China(no white people during that time).

Progressives in Hollywood are so emotional that they care more about meeting a diversity quota than telling a good story. They always have to add a dark skin character, a Latino character or a side kick Asian character because its unfair that most actors in movies are white.

How to solve this problem

Obviously there is a demand for movies with diverse characters. Especially if you live in America, which is a melting pot, people of all skin colors just want to see someone that looks like them. It doesn’t have to be the main character but just someone that looks similar to their ethnicity just for the joy of it.

The solution to the diversity problem is.

Drum roll please!!!!

Make movies and TV shows for that audience.

The funny thing about this is that, when you make a show or movie for a certain audience, it also tends to bring in other groups of people.

When the Black Panther came out in theaters, it was such a HUGE success world wide. Africans from all over the world rush to the movies to watch it. However, white people also were eager to see it. WHY? Because everyone wants to see a really good movie. Plain and simple.

Which leads back to what was said earlier. You don’t need to share the same ethnicity as the fictional characters to relate to them. All you need is to be interested. I know African Americans who did not bother to watch the Black Panther. WHY? Because superhero movies were not their interest.

Have you ever watched El Zorro? Well, guess what. That is a Mexican superhero. That movie is really popular in USA and in South America.

If there is a demand for more Latino superheroes then lets make more movies like El Zorro.

Corporations Don’t Really Care About Diversity

All these activist and all these progressives on social media and Social Justice Warriors, don’t seem to understand that Hollywood does not care about you. Do you really think that Hollywood and all these movie elites in California really care about diversity and inclusion. They don’t.

The only reason why these companies push for diversity and inclusion is because they know that more people will watch their movies and thus they will make more money.

Here is a good example:

Lets use a popular RPG video game to explain this. When Square Enix was thinking of reaching the American western audience they thought that maybe, if they made the characters look more western that more Americans would be interested in buying the game. This is when Final Fantasy 7 was in the making. This was the very reason why African looking character Barret Wallace, was design. Turns out that it was a success.

Companies do this all the time.

So the people should stop fighting for diversity and be activist for the type of video games they want play and the types of movies they want to watch.

How would you like an epic fantasy movie with African characters? Alright great, lets pitch this idea to Hollywood or crowd fund it to get it made.

Once you get your emotions out of the way and start thinking rationally then you will find solutions.

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